On Giving Thanks.

"Do not be anxious for anything but in everything through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known to God. " Phil 4:6

Most of the time we are carried away by the things we do not have that we fail to see all the things we have. We complain, we worry about not having some some things. It could be money, body shape, job, spouse or anything that  we begin to take for granted the basic things that have been given to us freely. 

Instead of focusing on the things we don't have, I think we should rather thank God for that he has given to us; good health, a sound mind, a shelter, food to eat and even life itself.  As trival as these things may sound somebody somewhere lacks these things. In fact some people would live a happier life if they had these things. So, rather than worry over the Loubutin shoe you do not have, or the Ferrari  you cannot afford, thank God that you have a leg. 

Focusing on things you don't have causes sadness; a feeling of being insatiable. It is true that we all want to attain perfection, but after we reach that goal of perfection, what's there to live for again. Enjoy today. Enjoy the moments that you can't afford everything that you need because they might not come again. If you think you do not need to be thankful, try asking a corpse to smile. Remember, "For you know the grace of your Lord Jesus, in that he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor that through his poverty you may be rich. " For God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in christ Jesus" Amen. 


Rachel said…
Amen! Being thankful is an area in which many of us can grow, I think. Recognizing that all the good things of our lives are ours by grace is a very freeing sort of knowledge!
Unknown said…
Such an inspirational post. I'm always thankful for the many blessings in my life and those around me.

Publisher | Motherhood Through My Eyes
Lovely, very inspirational.
Unknown said…
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