
Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.

Some people hurts us so deep sometimes that it takes God and time to heal our wounds. We hold grudges and get our hearts beating fast each time we see them or someone mentions their name. Forgiveness however, is a way of setting ourselves free from that bondage of pain. It's an avenue to open up to more possibilities such as kindness beauty and love.

As humans, we offend God countless times and he forgives us. Just likewise we are to forgive others when they hurt us and let God, the designer of our hearts fill it with love unspeakable. Only God can mend a broken but we also have to let him by forgiving others.

Have a positive day.
Love you loads.


Karen Grosz said…
Forgiveness can be so hard to do, but it benefits me more than anyone else. Yes, keeping in mind that God forgives me countless times a day, makes the process better. I will have a positive day. You too. #ShowBlogLove
Unknown said…
It sounds so hard to do but it is a huge relief when its over!
Anonymous said…
Hiya really love your blog especially this one....keep posting!
Xoxo Khushi

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