Black Heels : A lady's Wardrobe Essential

Ladies get in here!  The guys can join too but shuush and don't start football arguments here cos that,  is kinda boring now.

So, today I'll be talking about why it is paramount for every lady to own at least,  a pair of black heels. So, join me as I take you on a shoesplic journey.

Black heels are here to stay. Like, they ain't going nowhere.

You ought to own a  pair of black heels because it goes on everything. Forget the fab that colourful heels bring. Sometimes we Prima Donnas are too much in a hurry to even think of trying to look too fab. So, I know you want to be that goal getter, that lady that takes life's bull by the horns. However, I also know your little secrets. I know that you like to be complimented. You like to look Charming, alluring and attractive. But...  You ain't got so much time on your side life's moving too fast.  Sad. Rock a pair of black heels and you'll never look out of place.

It is cost friendly. Let's say you have just two pairs of black heels .Do you know that for the time being you may not need  to bother about buying more.  Unlike when you own a pair of blue heels. You'll need gold ,silver, red and any other colours to complete your wardrobe. Like said earlier, black  goes with everything!  Nobody will notice except for the busybodies though. Haha. 

It's so cute on a pair of jeans. 

Black is beautiful, gorgeous and enchanting. It gives you that classy and elegant look. So, thrash those reading glasses for a while. Rock a pair of black heels today because life is too short to be taken  too seriously .

Enough of the talk. Let the pictures speak. 

I hope I fed your eyes good stuff? 

Have a wonderful day.

Pictures :Pinterest


Dee said…
This post really encourages me to go out there and grab me a pair of sexy black heels

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