My Father! Episode 3

So guys ,before I go on talking about what transpired at my grandma's place, I'll like to drop one more primary school experience .

 I was quite sure that my Father never gave any money to my teachers on open day. This was because nobody called me any special names or treated me in any special way. Talking of how I was treated, I was frequently being flogged . I don't know why, but it has to definitely be because of my aforementioned reason. The way the teachers treated the other kids that had seemingly rich parents was something to be reckoned with. They had pet names like Princess, Queen and all sorts of adulations were added to their names while I was plainly called Grace.

 In primary school, I was freaking ugly. Or well... Maybe I thought so but I knew I didn't turn heads or have anybody send me love letters. The only love I was able to gather was from my listeners. listeners because I used to tell fake interesting stories that my classmates very much loved to listen to. Very bad plotted stories that I would find it hard to end it till I'll have to think up another wishy-washy plot to complete it .  However, people liked them and loved listening. Perhaps you think my story telling habit started now, you're obviously mistaken. I come from way back.

So, I've never celebrated any birthday in my life. Apart from my 6th birthday when I brought a cake to the class courtesy my favorite auntie. That's how far I have celebrated my birthday. I was so happy that day because I kept eating people's stuff for their birthdays and no one ever ate mine till that day.
I took the cake to the class with joy and gladness in my heart. I could feel the love all around me because peeps knew they were going to get something during the break time. Break time came and the teacher was to bless the cake before sharing it with the class. So I carried the cake to the table and the Teacher blessed it. After the prayer she then  asked the most silly question of all times, "where are the remaining stuffs?  Is it only cake you brought? Nawa o. Not even with pure water. Does your father want us to choke on the cake? " I wanted to scream "But my father is not a rich man and you know! " I just smiled and lied that my father said he would bring drinks later. Who has the time for nonsense and ingratitude. Definitely not me!  Plus my father wasn't church rat poor. Nay!  He had a car then, he wasn't rich because he gave no bribes or incentives to the teachers.
So my sixth birthday was fun because I lied. I basked in the joy of making the greedy teacher wait for the drinks till the school ended. I knew my father wasn't bringing anything but she had to wait for being so greedy. If she wanted a drink that bad, it was less than #50naira !
Have a wonderful day
You can also  share your childhood memories in the comment box.


Jagriti Roy said…
I will not only say this is a great write up... But I also felt so attached with this because I can remember my childhood memories that were much similarities with yours... #Feeling_Connected..
Adepoju Grace said…
@ Jagriti Roy, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for taking your time to say something nice about my work.
maria said…
I enjoyed reading your article. It brought me back to my childhood memories.
That's one greedy teacher
I too had a teacher in primary who openly asked my mom for gifts as she knew my dad was in Dubai that time and she was the one who hit me!
Unknown said…
Nice article. Feeling like going back to those days as a child but that's what life is all about, growing and leaving something behind. Great one dear

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