To The One I Love

I wrote this poem when I was 15!
I fell in love. However, it wasn't the lovey dovey kind that you know. It was a painful kind of love that was so complicated for my juvenile mind.

So, I decided to create the ideal kind of love in my mind. It was during those fantasies and wild hallucinations that this 6 stanzas ballad was given birth to.

Hidden behind the devoted lover was a voice crying for love, obsession and pure passion. I hope you enjoy this poem from my teenage years.
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Ever since our planet met its doom
In my heart there's been a room
that has been occupied with gloom

Ever since the sun had it's fate
Of which of course I hate
Its rising from the east
And setting to the west
Though it thinks it shines the most
The fury of our love, I say, can roast

Ever since time was numbered in days
Three-sixty-five to mean a year
The perfection of your gaze
I'll take ample years to praise

Ever since mercury was hot and Pluto cold
My heart and love has been sold
To that demure gaze of yours

Ever since beauty was in comparison
Of our love I had a vision
That the cedars of Lebanon won't be a match
to the tittle glimpse of you I catch

Ever since fire burns in destruction
I have loved you in all ramifications
Our love will burn and not devour
Your smile, touch, kisses and all your vows
And even if time and distance be an obstruction
In my heart, you'll always be the light that illuminates my darkness

Have a wonderful day


Olaolu said…
Wow what a poem! I remember that teenage first love well!
Heather said…
What a wonderful poem! I definitely remember my high school first love. Such fun memories! Wonderfully said! :)
Patricia said…
That is an awesome poem. I never dated in high school, I couldn't even imagine trying to, but your poem gave me an idea of what it might have been like. Thank you for the wonderful insight.
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for sharing your heartfelt poem with us. Teenage first loves definitely leave an impression on our hearts that stay with us years later... Shell
mjchristine said…
cute poem. I remember the days back when I was still a teenager like you I make this kind of poems and I just smiled now remembering those memories.
Diana said…
Nice poem! First love usually leaves an important mark. Good you translated that emotion into words!
Lucile Coo said…
So dark and macabre but I love it and beautifully written. I remember being that age and writing poems like this.
This is wonderful - so expressive! I think any kind of literary expression is amazing, regardless of age. Writing is an artform, expressed by prose. Hope to see more!
Christy G said…
This is a beautiful poem. I remember love as a teenager but I felt this type of love after my divorce. It left my heart empty and I just want to be loved and love someone else too.
Courtney Blacher said…
What a beautiful poem! It's sounds really deep and meaningful! This is so expressive! You have a talent keep it up!
Adepoju Grace said…
Woah. Your comments have been so beautiful. I appreciate the time you took to write them.Thank you.
Elizabeth O said…
This is such a heartfelt and beautiful poem to read. I really adore your writing skills. So impressive.
Dr. Elise Ho said…
How very lovely. I hope you have continued to write.
Unknown said…
Wow this poem is so well written. When I was younger I used to wright a lot of poems to.
Unknown said…
What a fabulous poem! You captured the mood so well!
Crystal said…
Oh joys of young love. I'm fortunate enough to have married the boy I met when I was 16. Your poem was very well-written.
It's so nice to look back on our past and think about the old days when we were young. I can see so much love on you poem, It's very pure and your words are lovely. I bet that person really did inspired you so much that you were able to pull this wonderful poem
Unknown said…
Everyone remembers their first love or crush :) That is so cute and sweet that you wrote this. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt poetry with us!
CultiVitae said…
Hehe I think everyone can relate to this! Beautiful prose.
Unknown said…
I love that it was written when you were a teen. Makes me want to go through my old notebooks to see if there may be gems hidden. Captures the emotions so well.

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