An Ode to the Fluffy Goodness(Cake)

It's been a while since you heard from me, I know. I've been trying to catch up on life, learn new things and discover the things that really matter. So, while I was away, what was I up to? Apart from my normal busy schedule, I started learning how to bake! Yea! One of my friends volunteered to teach me, which is so amazing because I get to learn at my own pace. I've baked two cakes so far. Both cakes mean so much to me because they symbolize my days of humble beginnings which the bible said not to despise. This was the first ever. I baked it on the 14th of February for my boo. We were miles and poles apart so I didn't get to see him but I still had to demonstrate my love to him. This was the second. Baked on the 24th of February for my neighbour for his birthday. So, to the let's proceed to the Ode, Oh, thou elegant symbol of celebration Fluffy goodness trapped in diverse shapes Cynosure of the events Handless yet uniting Covered yet...