
My name is Ejiro. Let me be like James Bond. My name is Ejiro. Ejiro Fernandez. I am woman now. I have elvoved. Life changed gradually from reading Cinderella and all the happily ever after hog wash. To reading books like Woman at point Zero, Beyond the horizon and Second Citizen where the plights of women are aptly potrayed. 

Okay. So, it happened last week. I went to see my fiance at his house. We were getting married in less than six month's time. I wanted him to help me pick out the colour for my wedding shoe. He says, 'Hey babe. I need to take a shower. Will be back in a Jiff. He goes away blowing me a kiss. I smiled. I needed to calculate something quite urgently so,I took out my phone. And oops! My phone goes off. His phone was lying on the bed so I picked it. Opened it. I know the passcode. Its my birthdate. A message comes in from Frank. I don't know any friend called Frank. So,curiosity made me check it. And Frank says, "Hello baby, You were amazing. Never knew you could last that long. Oh my God! Four rounds! You blew my mind. I really love you and my world would be nothing without you. Ps, How is our wife? Love you, Frank.

I recall what growing up was like for me. I asked some many questions that were too big for my small head. My brother tactfully answered every one of them but found it difficult to answer one. Just one. 
I would ask, "Why is mum so angry?"
"Because daddy has gone again."
"Gone where?" 
"To his other wife." 
"Why does daddy have another wife?" 
"Because she is richer than daddy." 
"Why does daddy need a rich wife? At least he provides us with most of our needs."
"Ejiro, we don't have most things."
"Why can't mummy give us those things?" 
"Because mummy does not work."
"Why doesn't mummy work?"
"Because daddy says not to."
"Because mummy has a phd." "But mummy should work." 
" Daddy says mummy mustn't or mummy would be rich and be rude."
" Why can't mummy have a rich husband too?" "Because Mummy is a woman."
"Because people will say mummy is a prostitute." 
"What is the difference between a Man and a woman?" 
"A man marries a woman and a woman marries a man. A woman can give birth and a man cannot."
" Why does a man marry a woman?" 
" Ejiro, because a woman give birth and a man cannot."
" why?" 
"I don't know. " He would say. 

So, now that I'm grown. I know why or better put, I have the idea of knowing 'why'. Most importantly, I knew why this my wedding cannot take place. So, when he comes in from the shower all smiley and attempts to touch me,I reply with a CIA like Voice. "No Eric. We need to talk."


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