The Day I Almost Died Because Of Food

I get a lot of Dieko, Dieko, you like food. Lol. I want to tell you story. It’s about the day I almost died because of food. I can’t say I remember vividly because it was my mom that narrated the story to me. 

I was one year old. I could walk but sometimes I still crawled. My mum had gone to pay a visit to my maternal grandmother. My grandmother lived in a rented apartment and shared compound with lots of other families who lived in the house. It happened in the afternoon when my mom was taking a nap. I crawled outside to the compound. Because it was in the afternoon, most people had gone out to work so there was nobody in the compound. The house had recently disposed their faeces so the “Shalanga” had been broken and was yet to be remolded. 

In the yard, there was a woman who usually roasts groundnuts for sale. Earlier that day, she had roasted some groundnuts. Unfortunately for me, some of them fell on the “Shalanga”. Immediately I saw the groundnuts, I crawled to pick some of it to eat. That was when I started falling into the shit hole. An old woman who wanted to ease her self cane out and saw the scene. It was her who raised the alarm that sent everyone flying out of their rooms. Including my sleeping mom who was naked except her underskirt and a bra. 

Actually, I could have fallen into the shit hole and the old woman would have passed without knowing anything. But my clothe was held back by an iron on top of the “Shalanga”. My mom was already in tears. The devil almost stole her baby while she was asleep.

Anyways, I had bruises all over my body and wounds all over my leg but I was quickly rushed to a pharmacy.
So, I have been a foodie since I was one! Share your funny childhood experience in the comment section.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Shalanga means Soakaway.


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