My Father ! Episode X

. I was three years old and my parents were just recently estranged, so I was living with my dad. My dad is a photographer and he was always going for outdoor shoots. Schools were on holiday hence, he usually leaves me with the neighbors, but when he heard of how roughly I played while he was away, he started to take me to his friend’s place . The friend stayed opposite our house. The friend’s wife was a full time house wife so he believed she would be in a better position to monitor me.

I think my dad started to notice that my feeding was becoming a burden to his friend. Although, he usually gave me money for food, but he noticed that I was still eating from the friend’s family pot. So, that day, he increased my feeding allowance and warned me sternly not to eat there. He gave me money for morning and afternoon and told me to say thank you, when they offered me food. I said thank you and left for the friend’s house.

My dad had been barely gone for 15 minutes, that Damilola and I dashed off to spend all my money on ;tasty time, biscuits , sweets and all sorts of sugary yummy food. Damilola is my dad’s friend’s daughter. I had spent both my money for breakfast and lunch in a whiff! 

To be frank, I didn’t even consider my dad’s warning. Breakfast was rice and stew. I availed myself to partaking in the meal. Damilola and I ate while we both watched AIT together; giggling to Lagbaja’s music video.

Lunch was beans and fried dodo. Delicious something. I began to wonder why my dad would even tell me to refuse the meal . Damilola took me on a tour of her room and even showed me her clothes that had ‘ Made in UK ‘ and ‘Made in US’ on their tags. She told me of her aunt abroad that keeps sending her clothes. She was much older than I was so, I took her for her word and even began to feel a little envious of her and her overseas clothes. Not until I grew up that I realized that even Okirika clothes had made in UK and US tags on them.

Dinner was Amala and ewedu with fresh fish. Damilola’s mum served the whole family including me. The food was so delicious that I even started licking my plate. I was licking my plate when someone shouted from the window. “Dieko! Your daddy is calling you o.” I quickly ran outside to meet my daddy. He was looking at me funny. In order to break the silence, I decided to ask him about his day. “Daddy how was work?”
“Dieko, did you eat at Dammy’s place?”
“No o. Daddy I did not eat there.”
“Yes , daddy.”
“So, you didn’t eat there abi?”
“Yes, sir.”
We got inside our room and my dad dropped the take out food pack on the table and removed his belt and said, “give me your hand.”
“Daddy but I didn’t eat Amala at Dammy’s place. Please Daddy, I swear to God!”
My dad gave me several whiplashes from his belt. 

I cried severely. But, how did he know? Did they tell him I ate? He didn’t even enter the house! Does my dad have mystical powers such that he could see me eating while he was away?
Those where the thoughts that perturbed my heart till I fell asleep.

It was the next morning I was able to see my clothes. They were beautifully designed with Ewedu and Amala stains, even my hands were unwashed. 

I wasn’t allowed to go to Dammy’s place anymore. So I continued roaming the streets and playing rough with my street friends. From the streets I came, to the streets I returned.

PS: I still stain my clothes when I eat. I need a bib.

Have a wonderful week ahead,


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