The tidings of my heart,  lingers
Curls around my thoughts like a cobra
Toxic, scary , monstrous, horrorifying, roger me?
Contained, I smile. Subtle bended curves
How fallacious
The last thing I'll do is to cry
I mean how can I?
When the well is dry.
Call me, profess. Let me pretend I believe you
The word 'to love' how atrocious.


Lauren Vavala said…
I don't really know much about poetry but you can tell your thoughts run deep
Adepoju Grace said…
Yea, right. Thanks for stopping by.
Alexandra S said…
Poetry is always so lovely to read and so hard to produce! Good job <3
this was really nice to read. Also took me down to the good times when I use to spark my creativity and write poetry too.

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