My Father Episode II

So, I had just finished my primary school education and was still basking in the hopes of attending Queens college, Yaba, Lagos. My primary school's secondary section was another choice of mine but I had to hide that because no one could know that I harboured such thoughts. According to my set, the secondary section was for losers. We all wanted to see life from different planes and angles but that our school's secondary section was totally out of the plan. So, when my father came home that evening and said, "Dieko, tomorrow you will go and make enquiries about the tuition fee for Jss1 in your school ." It was mixed affections for me but at least I was going to get one of my choices which was not so bad at all .However, I had a huge problem. I was shy. Too shy. When I walk, I used to wish I could put on the colour of the air. Disappear and be so opaque that no could see me. I used to wish that I could have different faces. Because I thought it was such a sha...