
Showing posts from October, 2017

Jean Inspirational pictures You definitely need to see!

Jeans are never going anywhere out of trend. They always represent anyday and anytime for your classy swagged up look.  Now feed your eyes with good  stuff. Bad ass Ombre inspired Crazy, decent  Crazy playful  Boyish swag Crazy sexy Super dope Rule  Simple, girly. Teen stuff Carefree, sexy.  I hope you had a nice time.  PS: images ain't mine. I got them from Pinterest just for you.  Have a wonderful day.  Dieko Xoxo. 

My Father! Episode 3

So guys ,before I go on talking about what transpired at my grandma's place, I'll like to drop one more primary school experience .  I was quite sure that my Father never gave any money to my teachers on open day. This was because nobody called me any special names or treated me in any special way. Talking of how I was treated, I was frequently being flogged . I don't know why, but it has to definitely be because of my aforementioned reason. The way the teachers treated the other kids that had seemingly rich parents was something to be reckoned with. They had pet names like Princess, Queen and all sorts of adulations were added to their names while I was plainly called Grace.  In primary school, I was freaking ugly. Or well... Maybe I thought so but I knew I didn't turn heads or have anybody send me love letters. The only love I was able to gather was from my listeners. listeners because I used to tell fake interesting stories that my classmates very much loved to...

My Independence Day Vegetable soup Recipe

Happy Independence Day Nigeria! My bad. I know I should have  done this yesterday but I was way too sick to even get out of my bed.  As a patriotic Nigerian that I am,  I thought of what to do to celebrate my country on her Independence. I  wanted to sing the national anthem but somehow my muse told me to cook! So, I'm like...  What in the world I'm I supposed to cook. Instagram is so full of makeup artists with the green and white artistry .So as a food freak, I decided to show my allegiance by cooking this vegetable soup since it's green and my country's Independence colours are green and white. So here's how to prepare the soup! Recipe Sorry palm oil is part of the recipe but I couldn't get a perfect picture adding the palm oil so I cropped it out.  METHOD Boil the meat and fry.  Boil water and soak the veggies in it. Then rinse severally and cut. I like this method of cleaning vegetable because it helps me retain some of the ...