Ride Or Die Episode 2

 The stranger felt fulfilled as he walked beside her. The day had gone perfectly just as planned. Although, he was running out of time to perform ‘the task’ but he considered the time invested absolutely needful. He seemed to like this strange girl he had just met. She was so jovial and almost everyone greeted her as they walked.
 “You seem to be quite popular here.” He said ,jolting out of his reverie.
 “Why do you say so?”
 “Well because more than a million people have greeted you since we began our tour.” 
“I’m just a normal girl here.” She replied. Taking a quick glance at the second guy who had barely said a word since the journey begun. In fact, he seemed not to be interested in any discussion at all. All he did was carry a black bag pack and a poker face.

A young guy approached them and Nancy ran to meet him. Almost immediately the mute guy started to unload his backpack but was quickly stopped by the stranger. After a while, she came back to meet the guys. “Who is that guy to you?” asked the stranger.
“He is my elder brother. Any problem?” She asked.
The stranger immediately gave the mute guy a What-the-fuck...look.
“No problem at all. Let’s proceed with our tour .”

The tour came to an end and just as the stranger had promised, her gave her the sum of 10,000 Naira.
“I would like for you to visit us at the hotel we’re lodging. I really need to tell you something. In private. Not here. Quite important stuff. Can I have your number?”
“I don’t think I will do that. Besides, I don’t even know your name.”
“Oh, my bad. He apologized. My name is Sam.”
“How about your friend?” She inquired.
“Hmmm. Never mind.” “I’ll call you later in the evening. Please do come. It’s quite important. We are staying at Cymbals. I presume you know the place.”

She contemplated going to the hotel. But actually, the school had seized electricity supply because of the strike and her phone was only 15%. She had barely rested from the tour but he had said it was important that she visited. There was something his eyes said that his mouth hadn’t . They communicated urgency and plea.
“Welcome.” He said, standing up from his seat while he led her to her seat.
“What will you have?”
“I’m hungry. I want food.” 
“Alright. I’ll just have the bar attendant get you a drink first. While I order food for you.”
“Thank you.”
I told you there’s something urgent I need to tell you. But I’ll let you relax first before I divulge the information to you.”

And truly she ate and drank and gisted with Sam. He told her he had written jamb for 4 times before finally landing an admission in the school. The story he told her was that he was a jambite that needed to be shown around the school. 
“What if I told you, that you saved a life today?”
“How?” She asked, looking puzzled.
Please follow me upstairs. I need to show you something.”
They all got into the room and Sam began to speak. “Like I said, you saved a life.” “How?”
He brought out a picture from his pocket and showed it to her.
“Who’s in the picture?” He said, while passing it to her.
“What in the world are you doing with my brother’s picture?”
“Ice, he said, facing the mute guy, show her”
The mute guy opened his back pack and brought out a gun.

Have a wonderful week,




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