I wish you were here to see that I finally found true love I wish I could tell you of the pain I’ve been masking I think I’m doing such a great job, O! When I said I’ll make you proud, I wasn’t bluffing I hope you’re really proud of me though You know sometimes I wonder if everything that happened didn’t, if perhaps we might still be in communication You know me, I push people away and I don’t know how to keep the communication going for long. O! Do you know that I’ll dedicate a chapter of my book to you? Do you also know that sometimes, I still break down in dirty ugly tears when I remember you? Perhaps, it’s a good thing that you’re gone because now you can watch over me from an eagles eyes I wish there was something I could have done, you know Considering that you remembered me in your last moments I can’t even make out your face again. I try to but it’s a blur representation I get and that makes me real...