Beautifully Flawed

Living in a world that's bent on perfection, we've all grown with this designer idea of being perfect in our minds. We all just want to be perfect , so we cover up. Thanks to innovation we have many arm and ammunitions for waging this war with imperfection. I'm talking about the concealers, breast pad, bum pad, contact lenses and high heels of this world.

You know, we all have this part of ourselves that we always wish we could change. I mean that part that makes us feel flawed. We want to be perfect; Skinny, tall,light skinned(You have to be an African to understand this part), beautiful just completely looking like a mannequin. So, we cover and cover and keep covering.

Well , I think I love this thing Alicia Keys is doing now. I refer to her No Makeup Movement. Here is an excerpt from her song 'When a Girl can't be Herself'

In the morning from the minute that I wake up/ What if I don't want to put on all that makeup/ Who says I must conceal what I'm made of/ Maybe all this Maybelline is covering my self esteem

In a interview she had about this her new movement she says,
" It made me feel like I had to do something to fix myself before being seen in public. Like I was flawed and not good enough. "

OK. So, talking about flaws, mine is my hair.I didn't like my hair. In fact it gave me an unhealthy popularity. I was referred to as' the girl with the receding hairline' Another person said I was suffering from alopecia. One also said my hair looked like what rat ate. Of course I laughed while they said all this but deep down those comments stuck.

So like human that I am, I cut my hair. I thought that if it didn't make me happy, it deserves to go. But, unfortunately as well as fortunately.  I met someone who liked, I mean loved my hair.( Don't worry I wasn't about to say Jesus. I'm confident about his love for me though. I know he loves all of me not just my hair.) So, this individual gave good comments about my hair but I felt the person was just patronizing me. But the person actually liked it and wasn't too happy when I took the hair to the Barber's shop.

Then I got thinking, what if someone complained about my legs. Will I cut it too? Or pluck out my eyes because someone said they are too big? Scary hun?
So, I'm admitting, I'm beautifully flawed. Will rock my low cut to the glory of God. No more fringes to cover my hairline. Plus, I won't bother going to companies where they think a woman is not beautiful enough on a low cut.

I'm learning to accept my flaws. I know you're flawed too. Beautifully flawed! So, learn to love your imperfections.

Happy Sunday

Love you Loads


Jessica said…
I love the no make up movement. It's so nice to be able to show our flaws and feel beautiful!
Angela Tolsma said…
beautiful beautiful post. I love the no makeup movement. I wish people were more accepting and understanding but my hope is one day we will be with movements and posts like these.
Birdhouse Books said…
This is beautiful! I love the no makeup movement. It is so empowering! - Trish
A. P. Bullard said…
I definitely love the no makeup movement. I love wearing makeup when I'm in the mood for it, but it's so easy to fall into that trap of not feeling pretty enough without it. The no makeup movement is so empowering, since it helps people embrace their natural selves and natural beauty.

This was a great, inspiring post!

- Alexia P. Bullard
Unknown said…
Love this article!! I wear eye makeup because I love how it looks with my freckles !!!
thanks for the empowering post!
Milé Rubio
Unknown said…
so inspiring! I think it can be so tough to feel like we don't measure up. the truth is that nobody measures up to this "standard" of beauty. it's imagined. and when I realize that the whole thing is an illusion, it makes me feel a little better. nobody fits the mold 100% of the time. it's just not attainable. I love that song "cool kids" by Echosmith. the lyrics display this feeling perfectly.
Adepoju Grace said…
Thanks to you all for stopping by to comment. I definitely appreciate it. Live life to the fullest. Dieko.
Adepoju Grace said…
Thanks to you all for stopping by to comment. I definitely appreciate it. Live life to the fullest. Dieko.

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