Episode One

It was one of those many evenings in Lagos. The moon peeped through the sky like a timid child facing a crowd. Titi nodded to Darey's Asiko Laye as she stayed stuck in the gridlock on third mainland bridge. Vehicles moved in a snail like motion as though some people had conspired to keep people on the road for fun.Young boys ran from vehicle to vehicle selling Gala and Lacasera. Titi checked her wristwatch. The time was just 7:30 so she relaxed. Her meeting with the mystery guy was for 8:30. She had foreknown the traffic so she had close from work early. She checked her review mirror to be sure that everything was in place. Puurfect! She thought as she saw her reflection. The fringe hairstyle she wore clung to her oval face like an Egyptian goddess. A boy ran to the side of the car, "Aunty abeg help me. My mama don run away and the wife wey my papa marry no dey gimme food".Titi smiled to the boy and dipped her hand in her purse to give him money. She combed for change, probably 200 naira but the purse was filled with 1000 naira notes. Alas, she found an hapless 100 naira clinging to the side of the purse. " Take." She said, smiling. The boy took the money, checked what denomination it was and scurried off without saying as much as a 'thank you'. As the boy ran off, he reminded Titi of her life as a university undergraduate.

"Adam and Eve, why are you naked? When I am selling Okirika?" "Alaroro no come o, 1 150, some dey buy some dey steal". Titi manoeuvred her way through the crowd as the sellers persuaded buyers to stop at their store. One woman beckoned to Titi," come buy for here, na here, Omotola and Genivieve na here them dey buy. There were quite many people in the market. Each person pushing the other so as to get a good bargain for the fairly used clothes. Titi bent down at the stock of a woman shouting, if you tell my President come,  he go tell you ehen ehen ehen. Me sef I no hear word again. 100 naira, cheat me and go. She bent down to look for something to buy. She was on a low cost budget and her aim was to get something appropriate to wear to a party she had been invited to by a friend. In fact she had gone there with the meagre remains of her monthly allowance. She had taken the risk since the friend who invited her had said that each girl was to receive 20 thousand naira each just for attendance The prize had been more than appealing to Titi, a sophomore at the university of Lagos whose monthly pocket money was less than 5 thousand naira. She had made up her mind to go to the party, inspite that examinations were to start in a week's time. She was not in anyway a party freak but the money was the motivation. This was because she was always broke; going from room to room begging for victuals. "Abeg, you get small garri for there? Any chance set sugar sef dey? I for like ask if pure water sef dey but I no just wan disturb you." That was the way she leeched on everyone for survival. She selected three gowns from the stock and dug her hand inside her bag to pay. When she noticed that her bag had been torn by the side. She quickly rummaged her bag for money but alas! The 500 naira in her bag was gone. She fell to the ground with a loud thud, not even getting aware of the scenery she was causing. Soon enough, people gathered around her to see why a beautiful black lady would fall to the ground in tears. She pointed at her torn bag and claimed that she had kept 15 thousand naira there before someone had stolen from her. The crowd took pity on her. People came to drop, 100,200 and 500 notes respectively.  At the end of the  whole drama, Titi left the scene with a sum of 10 thousand naira. She secretly blessed her robber having brought nothing but good fortune to her.

Have a great day ahead.

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Love you loads. Kizzes.


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