Music Review Elohim by Nathaniel Bassey

Nathaniel Bassey is one Nigerian gospel artiste that oozes the anointing. Whenever I listen to any of his songs,I know I don't leave empty. It does something to my spirit. It stirs my spirit to pray or to just keep falling head over heels with the one that really matters. I feel that his song connects its listeners to the throne room. They have this heavenly aura that makes your flesh bow to this exhilarating experience it brings.
I know some people would be like, Diekola, this one you are only doing reviews on Christian songs, don't even tell me you don't listen to secular songs. Well, to be honest I listen to those songs but I know they have nothing tangible to offer. I love music and I know music that has depth,  Music that heals and music that's just for entertainment. Well, I think Natheniel Bassey's song heals your soul as well as your body.
Meditate on the lyrics of ELOHIM today and get refreshed in God's awesome presence.
Elohim, Eternal one
Elohim, You never change
Elohim, Eternal one
Elohim, You never fail
Jehovah, Elohim
The God of all creation
He whose words cannot be broken
The Self-Existing, Mighty Warrior
The uncreated, Lord of all

Have a wonderful day

Love you loads. Kizzes


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