LOST ( Episode two)

                        Episode Two

Dear readers,
I am quite sorry for stalling on this piece. My school resumed and I've been trying to blend in. Plus I am also preparing for my final year exams. It has been hectic for me. Plus I'm having issues with my system so I have to type with my phone. I'm sorry. I hope you understand. Love you loads.

'Pim pim pin, pim pim pin. Titi snapped from her reminiscing as car horns blasted from the back signalling for her to move. She hadn't heard the first two times because the music she was playing was quite loud. She quickly started the car and got moving. Another car pulled up beside her car with a woman at the driver's seat. The woman gave her a Go-To-Hell look as she drove past her. Titi smiled to herself, Lagos frustration, she thought.

She arrived at the bar, parked in the lot and advanced towards the bar. She adjusted her knee length straight skirt that had gone up to her mid thighs. She brought out her  iPhone from her bag and began calling Mystery man. "The rear, last table on the left." He said. She walked towards the table and Mystery man waved to further identify that he was the one. ' Oh my god!' She thought. Pictures and how deceiving they can be. He looked a whole lot bigger than the pictures she had seen. He was like a combination of five people in one. OK, enough of calling him mystery guy. He sure has a name. Titi had met Kunle on a dating site. There this saying that if the mountain won't come and meeet  Mohammed, Mohammed would go and meet the mountain. It was this approach Titi took when she joined the site. She was fed up. Tired of falling in love with the wrong people; married men. Hmm, she remembered Paul. Paul however was a story for another day. Here now was the difficulty of being in her best behavior and overcoming the wahala she had put herself in. Because, fat guys to her was a huge No, No!
'Hello', he said as he rose to his feet to shake hands with her. 'Hi' she replied smiling rather sheepishly. " Woah, pictures can be deceiving you look a lot taller and prettier than the pictures. " She wanted to say,'Thanks you look a whole lot fatter and less sophisticated than the pictures too.'  Instead she smiled and said  " Thank you. "

"So, what  would you like to have?"he said as his eyes rummaged her. The waiter brought in the menu and she chose grilled fish and a bottle of Origin while he simply ordered for malt. They got talking. Or better still, he got talking. He began to reel off about his exes and how they all took advantage of him. He talked about how he bought a sports car for a particular lady only to discover she was carrying another man's child. He didn't forget to add how he donated the hospital bill of another lady's sick mother and the same mother could not dissuade her husband when he said there was no way that his daughter was going to marry a Yoruba man.

Titi Could have sworn that since the beginning of the date she hadn't uttered more than 20 words. She sat there, fighting sleep with endless yawns. After about one hour thirty minutes of baseless 'yarn', she finally spoke. " I have to go now. " He got the signal and finally asked, "Where is the waiter o, abi how are we going to pay?"  The word WE rang in Titi's ear like a midnight alarm. But, she kept her cool, waiting for the next line of action. The waiter came and he paid.She heaved silently knowing that he only didn't understand the English language so well.
They got to the car and said bye byes. "I'll call you", he said " Ok." Titi replied rather lamely. She got into her car and waited for him to go first.And then it happened, she saw his car. A latest Range Rover. She smiled and drove off too.
She got home and took a quick shower and flung herself to the bed. She tried not to think of how boring, disgusting and time wasting the date had gone. So, she decided to sleep off. She had not slept for more than 15 minutes when she was awakened by a loud sharp noise.

I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a great day.


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