LOST.[Storyline By Your Very own Diekola]

Hello Fam,

I promised you adorable folks some steamy hot write-ups at the beginning of this adventure together. 

Well, here is one of the *many series of mind blowing words you get to feast on.

And I definitely hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.

This is the epilogue

A young man of about thirty, dark, with a slight stoop in his gait, paced the hall way anxiously. He whispers some words of prayers to himself. As he walks,  he dabs his sweat stained face with an already soiled handkerchief.

There was no sound in the hallway. Except for the hooting of the owls,  the chirping of the crickets and the squeaking of the bats emanating from outside the hall.  He checked his wristwatch ,  it was just 2 am into the night. 

He finally stands beside a long bench.  Directly opposite to where a post sign carried the words' Maternity ward'. Meteroically,  the ward's door cracked open. An elderly nurse begins to walk towards the man. He jerks from his musing.  Apparently disturbed by the nurse's steps in the empty hall. He stands immediately he sees her. 

"How is she? " He asks looking very worried. "She is fine" she answers.  "The child,  what is it? " "It's a girl. " "A girl? " "Yes. " She answers. His countenance suddenly changes. Disappointment or crestfallen were apt to describe how he feels. 

"But,  the scan,  it says it's a boy.  A boy. " he repeats. The nurse does not answer she just smiles. 

"Ok.  I'll be right back. " "Don't take too long. The baby is so beautiful.  You could see her now but don't take too long. " "Alright. " he says as he leaves.

He leaves,  taking slow strides.  He suddenly turns back to the hallway.  He sees nothing or nobody except the nurse walking back into the theatre. He makes as though to go back, but he does not.  Instead he shakes his head and walks towards the door.  Gbam!  He shuts the door behind.


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